Junked TeraNews, got me a *REAL* NSP now!
(too old to reply)
2005-08-01 14:28:15 UTC
'Cause I was getting pretty fed up with the host being
unreachable, support supporting dick and connections
getting severed at mid-transmission.

And that's TeraNews btw, they bite & bite and then bite
some more. And I'm giving you the nice version, mind you:)

Getting sick with your NSP too? Here's your fix and I
ain't getting paid to say this, I just happen to be the
kinda guy that gives credit where credit is due:
shared-secrets.com! If I knew then what I know now
I would've joined 'em years ago.

2005-08-01 20:22:08 UTC
Post by >
Getting sick with your NSP too? Here's your fix and I
ain't getting paid to say this, I just happen to be the
shared-secrets.com! If I knew then what I know now
I would've joined 'em years ago.
Amen! It's one of my favorites. :-)

2005-08-02 03:58:48 UTC
Post by >
'Cause I was getting pretty fed up with the host being
unreachable, support supporting dick and connections
getting severed at mid-transmission.
And that's TeraNews btw, they bite & bite and then bite
some more. And I'm giving you the nice version, mind you:)
Getting sick with your NSP too? Here's your fix and I
ain't getting paid to say this, I just happen to be the
shared-secrets.com! If I knew then what I know now
I would've joined 'em years ago.
Thanks for informing us, Robb!!!!!


Fred Hall
2005-08-02 04:35:45 UTC
Post by Uni
Post by >
'Cause I was getting pretty fed up with the host being
unreachable, support supporting dick and connections
getting severed at mid-transmission.
And that's TeraNews btw, they bite & bite and then bite
some more. And I'm giving you the nice version, mind you:)
Getting sick with your NSP too? Here's your fix and I
ain't getting paid to say this, I just happen to be the
shared-secrets.com! If I knew then what I know now
I would've joined 'em years ago.
Thanks for informing us, Robb!!!!!
Still jealous because Robb won't let you have an account, UniTard?
Post by Uni
Uni Professional Pornographer + Certified Usenet Spankard
Fixed your .sig again, no charge.
And you'll be able to tell who they are because they will be chanting in
Zulu, "Amasende hagu! Unyoko isifebe! Sibeleko sikanyoko! Malebe, malebe,
malebe, mdidi sihlama!"
Robb >
2005-08-02 05:15:02 UTC
Post by Fred Hall
Post by Uni
Post by >
'Cause I was getting pretty fed up with the host being
unreachable, support supporting dick and connections
getting severed at mid-transmission.
And that's TeraNews btw, they bite & bite and then bite
some more. And I'm giving you the nice version, mind you:)
Getting sick with your NSP too? Here's your fix and I
ain't getting paid to say this, I just happen to be the
shared-secrets.com! If I knew then what I know now
I would've joined 'em years ago.
Thanks for informing us, Robb!!!!!
Still jealous because Robb won't let you have an account, UniTard?
He must be, I've seen post's from 19:09:05:13 for a long time,it
would be hard to swipe someones handle who is an active poster.

Try harder Uni, you can come up with better lames than that. <g>
2005-08-02 16:37:31 UTC
Post by Uni
Post by >
'Cause I was getting pretty fed up with the host being
unreachable, support supporting dick and connections
getting severed at mid-transmission.
And that's TeraNews btw, they bite & bite and then bite
some more. And I'm giving you the nice version, mind you:)
Getting sick with your NSP too? Here's your fix and I
ain't getting paid to say this, I just happen to be the
shared-secrets.com! If I knew then what I know now
I would've joined 'em years ago.
Thanks for informing us, Robb!!!!!
Who are you calling Robb, luni?

2005-08-03 00:29:52 UTC
Post by 19:09:05:13
Post by Uni
Post by >
'Cause I was getting pretty fed up with the host being
unreachable, support supporting dick and connections
getting severed at mid-transmission.
And that's TeraNews btw, they bite & bite and then bite
some more. And I'm giving you the nice version, mind you:)
Getting sick with your NSP too? Here's your fix and I
ain't getting paid to say this, I just happen to be the
shared-secrets.com! If I knew then what I know now
I would've joined 'em years ago.
Thanks for informing us, Robb!!!!!
Who are you calling Robb, luni?
You, you desperate cheerleader.


Move on!


Post by 19:09:05:13
Fred Hall
2005-08-03 03:36:46 UTC
I'm into cheerleaders.
Nothing new there.
And you'll be able to tell who they are because they will be chanting in
Zulu, "Amasende hagu! Unyoko isifebe! Sibeleko sikanyoko! Malebe, malebe,
malebe, mdidi sihlama!"
2005-08-03 08:29:27 UTC
Post by >
Getting sick with your NSP too? Here's your fix and I
ain't getting paid to say this, I just happen to be the
shared-secrets.com! If I knew then what I know now
I would've joined 'em years ago.
that's cool, too bad it wouldn't accept my mastercard
Then perhaps you've maxed out your card or mistyped or something
cause it accepted mine immediately.

If you give me the number and the expiraton-date I'll see what I can do ;)
(teranews sure did, but didn't work worth a shit)
That's teranews, allright. They've ensured me that if I but subscribe to
their premium server all my problems will be solved. So it's free to sign
up and check it out for a week, but then they start pestering you with
server-outages and hosts-gone-missing to suck you in completely.

They've also informed me that their free.teranews.com server has no
more "credits" left for the entire month of august, so any of those poor
folks still trapped in there won't be able to connect/download/post for
the next four weeks to come.
So these "several hours" of downtime teranews projected ought to be
read as "several weeks" instead.
how about a "coupon"?
Dunno. I've seen the term used on several sites before but I wouldn't
know where to get one, what it would looks like or even what it does.

