Comcast is sucks
(too old to reply)
2003-09-11 21:47:31 UTC
Netnews.Comcast.net drops more posts than a fence builder on crack.

Thank you.
"We think for ourselves, something rather unique in these parts."
- Dean Humphries speaks for ourselves in article
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Aaron M. Henne
flaagg at comcast dot net
2003-09-11 23:06:07 UTC
Post by flaXagg
Netnews.Comcast.net drops more posts than a fence builder on crack.
Thank you.
Much as I hate to add anything to a post on this, er, intellectual level
... er, well, it's right on target.

However, the Comcast server(s) *never* lose the spam/ads/EMPs; we
Comcast customers get to see 10-20 consecutive copies of "Cheap Cable
Descrambler!!!!!" ads all the time.

Yeah, tell me how it's free so I shouldn't expect any better! In
contrast, my favorite ISP provides Supernews access as part of their
very-reasonably-priced (and cheaper than, ack! phooey!, AOL) DSL and
dial-up packages.

Then again, my favorite ISP also is capable of supporting more than MS
products, and has actual tech-support people answering the phones 24/7.
(Sorry, folks, they're only in the Pacific NW; you'll have to find your
own, if you can.)
Gary G. Taylor
2003-09-12 21:59:44 UTC
Post by DE
However, the Comcast server(s) *never* lose the spam/ads/EMPs; we
Comcast customers get to see 10-20 consecutive copies of "Cheap Cable
Descrambler!!!!!" ads all the time.
Finagles Law of Newsgroup Posts:
"The spammier the posting, the more likely the server is not to lose it."
Gary G. Taylor * Rialto, CA
gary at cdfound dot org / http:// geetee dot cdfound dot org
"The two most abundant things in the universe
are hydrogen and stupidity." --Harlan Ellison
Dave Hillstrom
2003-09-12 03:39:18 UTC
On Thu, 11 Sep 2003 21:47:31 GMT, in
Post by flaXagg
Netnews.Comcast.net drops more posts than a fence builder on crack.
Thank you.
so does news-server.tampabay.rr.com

NONE of Uploads's binary posts after 9/2/03 arrived at rr.com

so im having to get them from teranews one post per day because two
posts is greater than my free accounts daily download ration, or so im
told by agent.

and lords only know who else its dropping where.
dave hillstrom mhm15x4 icq#1598403
"ISLAM: Winning the hearts and minds of the world, one bomb at a time."
- Ubiquitous <***@polaris.net>
2003-09-12 23:36:01 UTC
Post by flaXagg
Netnews.Comcast.net drops more posts than a fence builder on crack.
Thank you.
The amazing thing is how many people peer with comcast yet their direct
service sucks. Go figure???

Dave Hillstrom
2003-09-14 04:17:18 UTC
On 12 Sep 2003 23:36:01 GMT, in alt.alien.vampire.flonk.flonk.flonk,
Post by DJ
Post by flaXagg
Netnews.Comcast.net drops more posts than a fence builder on crack.
Thank you.
The amazing thing is how many people peer with comcast yet their direct
service sucks. Go figure???
could it be FILTERING based on content and the whims of the newsadmin?
dave hillstrom mhm15x4 icq#1598403
"ISLAM: Winning the hearts and minds of the world, one bomb at a time."
- Ubiquitous <***@polaris.net>
2003-09-14 05:38:46 UTC
Post by Dave Hillstrom
On 12 Sep 2003 23:36:01 GMT, in alt.alien.vampire.flonk.flonk.flonk,
Post by DJ
Post by flaXagg
Netnews.Comcast.net drops more posts than a fence builder on crack.
Thank you.
The amazing thing is how many people peer with comcast yet their direct
service sucks. Go figure???
could it be FILTERING based on content and the whims of the newsadmin?
They don't know what filtering is, to be blunt. And whatever
newsadmin(s) they have don't ever show their faces, as far as I can
tell. Comcast has a real problem with any actual people talking to any
actual customers; they want everything scripted and they really HATE it
if anyone with actual knowledge talks directly to anyone.
2003-09-14 12:43:29 UTC
Post by flaXagg
Netnews.Comcast.net drops more posts than a fence builder on crack.
Thank you.
That's about the worst excuse for thread dropping I've ever seen,
Post by flaXagg
"We think for ourselves, something rather unique in these parts."
- Dean Humphries speaks for ourselves in article
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Aaron M. Henne
flaagg at comcast dot net

"I'm premature like that."
- Aaron M. Henne tells why his marriage ended in article

"When Sylvester Stallone comes out of the deep freeze, he is shocked
and dismayed to discover Arnold had been elected President of the
United States."
- Aaron M. Henne with one of his more colorful
*predictions* in article

"Plus, when I close my eyes, I get to watch a colorful lightshow. Not
many medications ship with a screensaver."
- Aaron M. Henne looks on the bright side of psychotropics
in article

"I understand the side effects and need for this medication, legally,
even though I don't."
- Aaron M. Henne showing keen insight to psychotropic's
side effects in article

"'I am a priest,' said the first man, with deep compassion. 'I absolve
you of your sins, my son.' And then he buttfucked the guy."
- Aaron M. Henne waxing ironic in article

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