crude oil manipulation of price some hypotheses new falls and crack
SELLING CRUDE OIL at COST PRICE, Manipulation of the price? Some hypotheses
Manipulation of the price? Some hypotheses.
While the barrel seems is stopped around 59,5 $, it is continued to whisper,
between the other motivations, than the reduction of the price it is due to
manipulations of the USA government in sight of the elections of November.
Reasonable hypothesis, says Jeff Vail , an intelligence analyst American
with blog a a lot interesting on energetic arguments. But little supported
from facts: we try instead elaborating some theories on as such manipulation
can be put in practical.
Here then the five hypotheses of Jeff:
Political 1-Pressione on a Government agency in order to stop order
regulations momentarily acclimatizes them that they block meaningful amounts
of oil. As an example, to concur with the BP of procrastinare the
riparazione/rimpiazzo of the famous pipeline of Prudhoe Bay... and is just
what it is happening : the BP will use "varying" for more bypassare the
points corroded of the oil pipe-line guaranteeing others 400,000 barrels
within October.
2- political Pressure on a Government agency in order to accelerate the
putting in commerce of diesel engine to low sulfur content. This movement
forces the refineries to momentarily block to the diesel engine production,
diverting the oil in the benzine production... and is just what it is
happening : from the 1 July the diesel oil production is obligatory to low
sulfur content.
3- political Pressure on a Government agency in order to change disowned
noticille that they regulate the trading of the oil. As an example, reducing
the contract number that the great investor can stop, forcing them to market
the surplus to being made to come down the price... and it is just what it
is happening : in federal base to one demanded this limit it has been
recently reduced.
4- political Pressure on a producing foreign Country in order to implement
the added one of etanolo to the benzine, being forced therefore the home
market of that Country to slow down the oil use is in order to adapt itself
to the new technology that for the higher price, and putting therefore
greater oil on the market... and is just what it is happening , just to the
5- Aumentare the production from the Iraq. But siccome it is an operation
difficult in presence of attacks of the guerrilla, enough to concur with
"pirati" of the oil, many assets in Iraq, to export the product in the
Countries limitrofi remaining without to pay ... and is just what it is
happening : Navy American has been as soon as replaced most insufficient
Navy irachena in the control of the Gulf and the activities of clandestine
export of the oil, concurring an increase very 200,000 barrels from the
And you, have other hypotheses on as the manipulation of the price happens?
Post by Energythe crude oil simply cannot more go up but only go down until the
elections USA
thanks OPEC ;-)